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Saturday, 7 April 2012

Adult Allowance

Adult allowance is a noble programme taken by the government in our country. In most of the developed countries of the world this kind of allowance is provided by the government or the adults are taken care of by the government. But in our country the adults are mostly dependent on their sons and daughters. As they do not have the ability to work and earn, they are sometimes behaved roughly by their issues. They have to pass the last days of their life depending on others which is a very painful experience for them. At that age they are not properly valued and treated by their issues. This allowance will help the adults to spend the last days of their life peacefully and happily. A budget, regarding the allowance of the adults was passed in the financial year 1997-98. a decision was finalized in the cabinet meeting on 20th October 1997., that every old-aged people will get TK 100/- per month which can be drawn once after every months or once at the end of a year. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh inaugurated the programme at Tungipara in Gopalgonj on 31st May 1998. Under this programme 10 people has been listed from each ward who will get the allowance. The government has prepared a list o 403110 people of 4479 unions of 461 thanas of the country under this programme. This programme is really a praise-worthy one that brings back smile on the face of the old people who are not properly valued and treated before. But the amount given by the government is not enough for them to live. So the government as well as the social organizations should join hands to ensure better living for the adults.


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